
About CVHR

We are a group of professional and independent researchers specializing in the history of Central Virginia. Active since 2005, our focus areas include African-American history, genealogy, and place-based research.

CVHR is a member of the Piedmont Area Preservation Alliance (PAPA), an umbrella organization created by Preservation Piedmont to promote communication between Central Virginia organizations with an interest in historic preservation.

Join our Mailing List

CVHR membership is free and open to all.  Joining is as simple as subscribing to our mailing list using the form below. We won’t sell or give away your information, you can unsubscribe at any time, and we only send emails to advertise upcoming meetings or for occasional urgent communications.


We meet monthly at 4 PM on the first Thursday of every month. Meetings from January through March are typically held virtually on Zoom. Meetings from April through December are typically held at the Jefferson School African American Heritage Center in downtown Charlottesville. Use the “Meetings” link at the top of this page to see information about upcoming and past meetings.

Next Meeting:


If you have questions about CVHR, or would like to ask our members a research question, please send us an email using the link at the top of this page.